On Saturday the 9th April, in view of Easter, the Polo Lionello invites everyone to a Saturday of Peace. White Saturday focuses on responsible waste and the promotion of a future based on integral ecology and fraternity between peoples.
At 15:00 the “Una marea di pace” (A tide of peace) campaign will be launched, let’s spread the peace actions, using #unamareadipace.
“You and I are one: I can’t hurt you without hurting myself”
Mahatma Gandhi
“There are not two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather one complex socio-environmental crisis. Given the complexity of the matter, an integral approach is required for the solution and attention of the problems as well as for taking care of nature”
Pope Francis, Laudato Sì (LS 139)
Today, bombs are an instrument of prevarication and violation of fundamental rights. Inspired by Gandhi and the Pope, we loudly support the very high value of small acts of fraternity and communion that promote justice and human development.
Common, ordinary facts, generative projects are needed, like a silent tide of peace, which will extinguish all the hostilities.