Present and future
The new purposes are part of the margin of uncertainty of the moment but with shy optimism, we propose future months of intense and passionate work to infect our society more and more permanently with the values of civil economy and communion.
In addition to a continuous program of growth with respect to the purposes of the “B impact Assessment”, our internal evaluation tool: the RainbowScore® has made it possible to effectively focus on additional aspects of innovation brought by an economic action in the name of ‘we’. Today, it seems even more urgent to underline how much the Economy of Communion can also be defined as an ‘advanced’ form of ‘circular economy’ and in this direction to push the accelerator of the development plan to arrive at best practices that can bring creativity and imagination at the service of the happiness and well-being of people and the care of the common home, creation.
In 2021, the Company intends to improve the benefit impact, in the following areas:
- Corporate governance: the specific benefit that the Company intends to bring implies the realization of a new ‘future-proof’ economic model that is achieved through communion lived not only as a goal but also as a ‘method’. A method of communion involves the full involvement of stakeholders and a government marked by the category of fraternity. In this direction, thanks to various consultation tables, we intend to consolidate networks and trusting synergies:
- with businesses animated by a civil, social and communion mission.
- with the international Citadel of Loppiano
- with the surrounding area and its institutions
According to the objectives outlined in the development plan, co-planning strategies have been launched at various levels. Furthermore, collaboration with the managers of the “United World Project” was activated to map best practices in the economic, social field, to make the values that guide EdC spa sb endemic, meanwhile, the Polo Lionello Bonfanti has been added, and other reports from associations and companies hosted by the Polo have been forwarded.
- Workers: In addition to the dedication of the company’s employees, in 2020 we experienced the invaluable input of three young trainees. From this positive experience, it was possible to see the valuable contribution of creativity and enthusiasm of the new generations, which leads, as a new goal, to the inclusion of more young people in the Polo Lionello, also through forms of project collaboration or apprenticeship contract.
- Other stakeholders: the international event The Economy of Francesco, originally scheduled for March 2020, then moved to November 2020 and finally held in a ‘virtual’ form, has triggered a large ‘movement’ with the participation of young people from all over the world. The headquarters at the Polo led to a strong involvement of E. di C. S.p.A. sb in that process.
It is our primary goal to promote further future collaborative developments. In addition to the planning table within the Focolare Movement, which aims to create synergies with respect to fundamental issues, the intention is to support a local format, always oriented towards planning according to start-ups and tenders.
Another purpose is the continuous attention to the poor, and especially to families in difficulty through concrete and continuous projects in collaboration with the associations present at the Polo.
- Enviroment: in order to monitor the results and set concrete purpose to reduce the environmental impact, it is intended to include in the document, called “Green Line”, internal control and revision protocols to activate a real environmental management plan. The feasibility study continues according to energy efficiency measures with the aim of reducing consumption.
Regarding to the specific common benefit purposes, the 3 AREAS of INTERVENTION on which the strategic plan, based on an integral ecology, intends to act are:
- Interdisciplinary training for a new culture towards a new society:
- Continuation of the training course in collaboration with AIPEC
- Polo Lionello as a digital and social innovation hub
- Personal and collective well- being, lifestyle, prevention, social and health services:
- application phase of the ‘Diversa Palestra’ project;
- sustainable development, improvement of the territory, environmental protection, alternative energy:
- Expo casa 4.0, a permanent meeting point among families and installers and producers regarding energy efficiency;
Fagotto boutique, vintage shop to promote solidarity and saving of raw materials.
The development plan affords for the implementation of shared projects, illustrated through summary sheets, in collaboration with entrepreneurs based at Polo Lionello, with entity such as the Loppiano Citadel and with other companies animated by shared values.